Rightfully, parents impose limits and restrictions on their children from some activities as a matter of love. Of course these limits and restrictions are based on the risk perceptions of the parents. However, as children age loving parents must teach and equip them for independence, for making their own decisions from their own perceptions of
The Problem of the Remnant
The signers to Declaration of Independence declared “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” A few men, a remnant, pledged all they had for the freedom of the new nation. And
Liberty and Education
What if I told you that gov’t schools in America were intentionally designed to crush your child’s creativity, independent thinking, wonder and questioning spirit? What if I said that the goal for all govt schools is to create citizens who are obedient, dependent and submissive to government authority without questioning? Unless by some rare chance
The Real Root
We often view Marxism, Communism, Neo-Liberalism, fascism, etc as the root cause of tyranny in societies. The truth is that these are only manifestations of the real root cause. That real root is authoritarianism.
Liberty demands Consent
Can we talk about consent for a few minutes? The #MeToo movement has truly brought the idea of consent to the foreground of public discourse in the recent past. Lunatic activists and opportunists aside, millions of American women have a legitimate grievance that men are not respecting their “no”. Millions of men are violating the