The Pledge of Allegiance was written by Francis Bellamy, a socialist Christian minister, in 1892 and that year the pledge was first recited in American schools. The original salute to the flag was the same as the Nazi salute to Hitler. Congress passed a law in 1942 changing it to the current hand over the
What Will You Risk for Liberty?
To these ends the 57 signers of the Declaration pledged their “lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.” Many were called upon to carry out their pledge with their lives and their fortunes.
What is Liberty?
So many people use the word liberty but clearly do not understand what that means.
Liberty and War and the Supreme Court
While the US does not currently have an active conscription policy, it remains a legal option according to the US Supreme court. In the case Arver v United States (1918), the unanimous decision by the Supreme Court was that the draft (conscription) for military duty by the federal government was constitutional. The justices saw in
God is the Author of Liberty
Have you ever considered this? God considered the freedom of choice so important that he put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden knowing what would happen. The risk and consequences were so high as to set the course of history for all human beings. Yet God put it there
Liberty Like a Rubik’s Cube
Liberty is like a Rubik’s Cube. It can be twisted and twisted such that it no longer looks like itself and it can be complicated to restore to its rightful appearance. Authoritarians may even claim to love liberty but close examination of how they treat others reveals that this is not true. They seem to
Liberty and Risk
Athlete. Soldier. Police. Python wrangler. People choose these roles voluntarily. They risk the harm that may accompany their actions even with the possibility of death. Our society supports and applauds their actions and the risks they take. Yet, government and neighbors and even family do not want the average person to make such voluntary choices
Taxation is Theft
A reminder for all. It does not matter about the so called “good intentions” of how the money is spent. The truth is that taxation is force, as earnings labored for are confiscated without consent, with the ultimate penalty of imprisonment or death for non-compliance. No! Owning property and working a job does not mean
Presidents Hostile to Liberty: Wilson
Charles Dickens opens his Tale of Two Cities with “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” In every generation there are some who believe that their experience may be the worst of times. Despite the troubles of our current age, they cannot be compared to past times when the President and other leaders of the US acted more hostile to the Constitution and the people’s liberty. From the standpoint of liberty, Woodrow Wilson was comparable to Abraham Lincoln, as the most hostile to this nation’s highest value.
Theft on a Global Scale
Continuing on the theme of taxes, Sec of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, is trying to get all developed countries in the world to agree on a global minimum taxation plan. Initially she is focused on corp taxes but make no mistake, she wants a global standard for all taxation. Why? Because taxation is a competitive