Have you ever considered this? God considered the freedom of choice so important that he put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden knowing what would happen. The risk and consequences were so high as to set the course of history for all human beings. Yet God put it there anyway.
Beyond that He has restrained His power since the beginning of time such that every one of us would have the freedom to choose, good and evil, positive and negative, relationships, travel, careers, family, etc. The freedom to choose is the greatest of gifts from God. Without it we could not choose to love Him or not to love Him. We could not be saved because we could not be responsible for our sins.
Again, He chose to risk that we might not choose Him. That is real love. God loved us so much that He gave us the power and freedom to choose to love Him and each other ....or not.
Let's be like God. Let's live with the risks that our friends, family, communities and nation can make their own choices. Let's not force them to support our ideas, nor let them force us. That's how God treats us.
May 8