February 23


The Real Root

By pgarner

February 23, 2021

We often view Marxism, Communism, Neo-Liberalism, fascism, etc. as the root cause of tyranny in societies. The truth is that these are only manifestations of the real root cause. That real root is authoritarianism.

We are similarly tempted to view authoritarianism as intrinsic to those who are already in positions of authority or at least aspire to such things. These could be political positions or corporate positions or medical or scholastic, military, religious, parental, or merely social.

The naked truth is that all humans have an authoritarian streak. It is the impulse to control the environment around us, to conform it to our comfort or our survival.   This too often extends to attempts to control other people.

We all witness the authoritarianism of our parents, teachers, administrators, coaches, etc. as we start our lives and progress toward adulthood.  Often, people in these roles, also provide resources to us like food, shelter, clothing, education, training, and more. If these relationships are generally positive many people, reaching adulthood, view that authoritarian experience either as a positive necessity or, at a minimum as a necessary annoyance. These feelings are often transferred to government authorities who similarly set boundaries and sometimes provide resources.  

As children at play we often hear “you’re not the boss of me”.  Children attempt to mimic the authority they see in adults. As they grow up, they still have this nature of seeking to control others in their environment. We see this often exaggerated as a young person finds them placed into their first position of authority in employment or organizations. Many become abusive of those they supervise, perhaps as they, themselves, were abused. Criminals may take this further by murder, assault, or theft. Those are the extreme forms of authoritarianism.

If we feel helpless in the circumstances of life, many will seek a savior or champion who is willing to stand up for them against some abuser. This champion may abuse their followers as well. Consider the example of dictators like Fidel Castro or Hugo Chavez or Adolph Hitler. All promised a better life but became abusive tyrants. Often the followers will treat these champions as heroes with little critique of their abuses.

The question is, if any of us found ourselves in positions of authority would we seek to control others, forcing them to conform to our comfort and values? History would seem to answer yes to this.

Marxism, socialism, communism, fascism, even monarchism arise from people who justify their authoritarian streak and endeavor to control whole societies. Their arrogance leads them to believe that they are better than their fellow humans.  Others may justify their authoritarian streak behind moralism or progressivism.

If we would truly claim to love liberty, we must recognize our own temptations toward controlling others either directly or through political, corporate, or social champions. We must own, control, and even reduce our inner authoritarian allowing others to live as they choose as long as they do not attempt to use their inner authoritarian on us. At the same time, we must be willing to hold the hill against the arrogant authoritarians everywhere and at all times.

Wherever humans are found authoritarians will be seeking control. Families, schools, churches, communities, businesses, hospitals, etc. Many in law enforcement hold the philosophy of the “broken windows” theory. That is if they do not catch and punish small crimes this often leads to greater crimes. We must oppose all authoritarians even in the small things, in ourselves and in those around us seeking to control others.

Live free. Liberty is love. Liberty is respect. Liberty is more important than our comfort. It is the highest human value.

  1. You are right. So called saviors like Chavez and Castro arose because people were tired of the corrupt dictators, who were not communists but who enriched themselves politically. The fact of the matter is that there are no true communists. Castro came down from the Sierra Maestra mountains promising to fix the ills of these money hungry paupers and take care of the poor people.
    Castro came down with his men from the mountains, with Bible and a rosary saying “weapon for what?”
    He stripped the Cubans of the right to bear arms.
    Ultimately, like Chavez and the rest, they are greedy capitalists masquerading as a communists and the savoir of the poor.
    When Castro died, he was worth 900 million dollars.

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